Tuesday, February 24, 2009

when you open up and trust

For such a long time now, I have known that my dharma, my duty, is not just with one thing in partiular. My friend, Johnny, likes to call me the yogamarketingbrowniegirl. It is so bizarre, but when I focus on solely one thing, my world spins out of orbit. But when I am doing several things, my world is balanced. So, if you did not know, I teach yoga (obviously) and when I am not doing that, I am planning yoga events with local studios, and doing sales/marketing for Mary Louise Butters Brownies.

I used to want to control, control, control, but now I find myself letting go and riding the moment more and more.

I keep coming back to the book, Meditations on the Mat by Rolf Gates.
This book is so powerful. The quotes, the meditations, and essays.

Ride the moment. Relish in it:)

Today my sutra, theme, was santosha. Finding contentment in the struggle, in the ease.

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– Tony Robbins, best-selling author, entrepreneur and speaker.

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